May 19, 2007

Nick Shadow

I belong to a few homoerotic art sharing lists, male-art-toons being one of the best. Sometimes we're privileged to some interesting dialogue. The quote below is a reply to a newbie asking about where he can find more art by the "great artist" Nick Shadow... (all punctuation by the original author)

oh my god... Oh My God... OH MY GOD!

I can't believe that there are youngsters here who think Nick Shadow is actually an artist!

All Nick Shadow did was SCAN artwork many years ago, at the dawn of the internet, and paste his own damnable logo onto them, then upload them to bulletin boards... forever making the non-explicit claim to having actually CREATED the artwork. He did NO SUCH THING.

There are many people out there in cyberspace who are really grateful to Nick Shadow for scanning artwork... but I'm not really one of them, because by placing that logo, his logo, everywhere (and sometimes REMOVING the name of the REAL artist) he has FOREVER polluted the internet... and here we are, seeing the outcome of that pollution: Some poor novice collector who thinks Nick Shadow is an artist, and wants to purchase his art. My heart can't take it!

At the most, he's a technician... and one with an ego the size of Cleveland.

Thankfully, he has fallen off the face of the earth... so no, he DOES NOT have a website. --Carabalda

Allow me to paraphrase...

oh my god... Oh My God... OH MY GOD!

I can't believe that there are youngsters here who think Lucifer is actually a creator!

All Lucifer did was SCAN creation many years ago, at the dawn of the world, and paste his own damnable logo onto it, then upload it to sacred texts... forever making the non-explicit claim to having actually CREATED the world. He did NO SUCH THING.

There are many people out there in the world who are really grateful to Lucifer for scanning creation... but I'm not really one of them, because by placing that logo, his logo, everywhere (and sometimes REMOVING the name of the REAL creator) he has FOREVER polluted the world... and here we are, seeing the outcome of that pollution: Some poor novice seeker who thinks Lucifer is a creator, and wants to purchase his creation. My heart can't take it!

At the most, he's a technician... and one with an ego the size of the universe.

Thankfully, he's fallen out of heaven... so no, he DOES NOT have a domain.

It almost feels like a cosmic copyright battle - who has the lawful and legal rights to the copies - the "God" copies? Is mancode "open source", or do we somehow "belong" to the original artist?

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